API® Complete UAD Bundle
API Complete UAD Plug‑In Bundle
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R. da Costa Campos
The Strip
I can mix all channels only with that. It’s a go, put it on every channel and be happy.
M. Ramos Jiménez
Color Api
Me encanta por ser un compresor con un carácter bastante transparente aunque te suma un pequeño plus análogo que es muy dulce de escuchar.
A. Seva
Great sounding API
It has the same API flavor as the real deal. Great addition to the vault
A. Dopwell
les recomiendo este api 2500 el mejor
C. Duchesnay
API is wonderful
Préamp hyper musical qui fait "briller" les voix. Simple, il suffit de l'insérer sur une tranche et ça marche tout seul.
E. Maxwell
Good, but no sidechain support when using with UAD-2
It's just a shame the UAD-2 version for Apollo does not support sidechain, only the native seems to have this, otherwise good compressor.
I. Chekhovskyi
Великолепный плагин
Чистое звучание,я люблю uad
D. O'Rourke
Great Channel Strip
Quality audio is second to none and easy to get started with.
S. Bramham
Using API with LUNA for voiceover recordings. Sounds GREAT!
W. Krol
Fantastic and versatile.
Fantastic and versatile.
E. Toussaint
It reacts so well when pushed. so dope.
M. Breu
Good Bus Comp
It's a good bus compressor. Plenty of room for makeup gain. The shape control is also very nice and effective.
T. Kouassi
Amazing Channel Strip
Everything I need
K. Purwin
Najlepszy Pasek Kanału API
Robi Robotę , mój ulubiony.
N. McCusker
Low on price, DSP, and barrier to entry
This plug is so simple it’s awesome! Great to throw across multiple inputs to get a whole drum kit a pseudo api console type effect. So easy to use. Clean when used conservatively. Great color when pushed! Love the unison preamp simplicity!
T. Godoy
the best
This is the best channel strip plugin I've ever used, i love UAD
M. Le Borgne
Efficacité et musicalité
Une tranche de console très efficace et facile à exploiter.
M. Le Borgne
Efficacité et musicalité
Une tranche de console très efficace et facile à exploiter.
E. Esper
API 2500 Bus Compressor
I Love this Compressor gives everything punch and kick I Keep it on my 2 Bus
l. bubba
Great Plugin
When cranking the gain the sound remains nice and open a lot more than any other brand of plugins.