
Apollo Twin MkII


701-720 von 1257 Ergebnisse

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30. August 2018

Quel bonheur

Superbe interface...gros son, qualité irréprochable...un bonheur de bosser avec.


27. August 2018

It's Working!

My studio in now complete. My monitors and mic have been brought to life with the MKII DUO.

G. Hardman

23. August 2018

Apollo MKII is the Best sounding Interface without a doubt!

I have had many interfaces as a studio owner Apogee, Focusrite, Presonus ect. Nothing comes close to the MKII Apollo. I sold my Avalon Vt-737 mic preamp because the Apollo mic preamps with the unison preamp turned the Avalon into a paperweight. Thanks UAD worth every penny

E. Schweyer

20. August 2018

The perfect Interface for my Guitar Home Studio

I was looking for a High-Quality Interface for recording my two amps in stereo at home. Sounds Amazing! Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for.

w. jung

20. August 2018

Wenn es funktionieren würde ...

Zuerst das ua arrow bestellt, weil es alles kann was ich brauche. Leider funktioniert es nicht (wie auf der UA Website geschrieben) über ein Thunderbolt 3 dock mit externer Stromversorgung.
Also dank der Firmenpolitik von UA und Apple nochmal 200 Euro mehr hin gelegt und das mk 2 bestellt. Leider funktionierten die LEDs nicht. Also zurück geschickt. Jetzt ist der Ersatz da und siehe da es fehlt das Netzteil. Alles in allem eine laaaaaaange Enttäuschung .

P. Ulvforsen

17. August 2018


It´s awesome. Very easy to use and no latency.

J. Alaminos

16. August 2018


Estoy super encantado con ella¡¡¡ es una de las mejores inversiones que he hecho¡¡

C. Lehman

13. August 2018

Super excited!

Feels very inuitive and I am excited to explore further. Little concerned with the amount of heat generated off this little puppy, but everything has been ship shape. Thanks UAD!

J. Murner

11. August 2018


Much better than my previous apogee quartet at least the preamp are much more transparent. A bit surprised by the low latency with thunderbolt, not much faster than USB. Love the hi-z input

m. toniolo

10. August 2018

high quality interface

Just love my apollo twin...very easy to use and great sound...

c. forrester

9. August 2018

Editing Monster

As a Professional film maker I value my audio greatly. The Apollo allows me both a super clean output to check levels and feel out where sound should be. It also provides a fantastic input for tracking over dubs, back tracking or simply just to make music.

D. Liebertz

8. August 2018

Geiles Interface

Wir bereuen kein bisschen den
Kauf wir würden es immer wieder tun das Interface kann einfach alles was man sich wünscht von super tollen kopferhörer Mixes bis Aufnahmen verschiedener Kompressoren und Preamps die sich echt hören lassen können ganz klare kaufempfehlung

J. Bass

8. August 2018

Fantastic Interface

The Apollo Twin is perfect for tracking at home or in a remote rig. "Console" is very intuitive and the UA plug-ins are incredible. Thunderbolt connectivity is super fast and frees up USB ports.

R. Gomez

6. August 2018

Grandiosa !!!

Es otra cosa , la calidad es superior una de las mejores inversiones en mi estudio...

J. Talley

1. August 2018

Sounds Bridges Together

I love the idea of the console being used to monitor a track and being able to record to a DAW, also, you're able to inset effects before sending it to your particular DAW

A. Walker

1. August 2018

Essential piece of gear!

If you record audio, you need one of these! Game changer. Amazing quality, great features and endless possibilities with the plugins. Great!

B. Mckenzie

31. Juli 2018

Solid build, super sound

Awesome piece of kit, can’t say enough good things about it. One drawback at this price point is lack of midi and not including a thunderbolt cable. If it weren’t for those 2 things I would rate this piece 5/5 stars.

E. Cadiz

30. Juli 2018

The work horse of my life!

The Apollo twin has made it possible to work wherever and whenever with the exact same precision as high end studios I worked in.
The simplicity to take you laptop and the Apollo Twin on the go and be able to deliver the same quality results in every situation. The fact that I tell clients that I’ve mixed their session in a hotel room and they just laugh and thinks is a joke tells how amazing the Apollo Twin is.

A. Chikanov

30. Juli 2018

Apollo Twin

Very well made - the smell of quality

T. Pack

29. Juli 2018

Stellar Interface

In love with the console interface and the unison mic preamps, I went from recording in my full blown analog studio to recording in my house way more often due to convenience and the awesome ability to track through classic mic amps and achieve an excellent sound. I'm using a Rode NT1-A through the Unison Mic Pre with a Neve 1073 UAD plugin on the input and it sounds just as good if not better than at the studio with a SSL mic pre and a Neumann TLM-103 microphone.

701-720 von 1257 Ergebnisse