
Apollo Twin MkII


881-900 von 1257 Ergebnisse

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A. Volkov

18. Februar 2018


I am very Happy with pluggins Universal Audio is really high qualitat sound and very imporatn for have another step and another level ! thnaks team Universal Audio !

A. Volkov

18. Februar 2018

super device

I use this device for two weeks, I'm happy !!!

D. Anttila

18. Februar 2018

Meets standards

Great quality as expected. You only get a few plugins wich is annoying since what you really buy into is the dsp processing. The console is a bit awkward to use and sometimes plugins won’t open so a restart is needed. Might just be bad luck on my behalf, who knows. Adding additional plugins didn’t work out for me so I had to download and install all over again. Really satisfied with the sound of the plugins! The reverb plugin you get for free has a really bad design that sticks out, but the rest is really well designed and pleasing too look at and work with. You don’t get that much dsp so you have to get used to freezing tracks if you like to use a lot of plugins.

W. Burdis

17. Februar 2018

So Good I became Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Said "Make it So", quite a lot.

Having owned RME products in the past as well as Apogee and Various Focusrites, I feel quite well qualified to create a 'simple' review of the Apollo Twin MKII in layman's terms:
I got this because I only have a mid 2013 MBP 8 gig RAM- so to take pressure off the CPU and RAM made a lot of sense - and It DOES this ! Amazingly well!
For me, The RME *Was* the pinnacle of small format desktop audio devices. And to be honest I still think the RME has the edge as a unit only - ADAT in AND out internal / external world clock, dual headphones - but when I plugged in the Apollo Twin MKII - just 'naked' I knew it had a serious and very real contender. The native sound of the unit is tight - like the Babyface Pro, and not lacking in energy and frequency response - unlike apogee duets, quartet's (my personal view).
It is indeed fairly transparent, smooth BUT highly detailed - all frequencies well represented (we ALL know that "smooth" can simply mean "blurry" and "unfocussed" - NOT SO here, there is PLENTY OF FINE DETAIL here) and The MkII has a nice wide sound stage.
So on it's own it's up there, well above Apogee and above the smaller 4-6 input focusrite's (which I place in second place here). No baggy, unfocused and dark sound here (like the "signature sound" of the awful-to-MY-ears Duet). It's this and my beloved RME at the top.
"Naked", the UAD Twin MkII already feels slightly analog in it's sonic footprint - but don't think it can't make hardcore shockwaves - it really can - cold steel ones raining down onto you HardCore Metal Heads out there, don't leave the trenches when the whistle blows. It's right up there with the Euro sounding RME. It's like someone turned up to Woodstock's "Summer of Love" in a Panzer MK3 when I went Drop B and "not even slinky" on it. Talking of Panzers - It's built very well.
Next day I engaged the 610B - the free unison capable Preamp plugin and the teletronix levelling amp/comp and plugged in an American Elite Precision/Jazz bass, active with new DR steel roundwounds ( I don't do nickel) on it............and..............I was Astounded - utterly astounded, not "pleasantly surprised"......Astounded. NOTHING I have owned compared to this. I have never had a plugin that could make an instrument sound so full, and engaging to the listener. I'm not joking. Then a Day after THAT ("No RTFM for me....No Sir!") my friend asked me if I was using the Unison Insert for the preamp...."The What?" I asked, being an idiot.
So I did, placed the preamp into the unison slot and my sonic life as I had know it, just crumbled before my ears and hands. I am 55 yo and this actually stopped me in my tracks. It's takes a lot to do that to me, maybe Agent Scully unannounced and bringing me breakfast telling me she's at a loose end. That might do it.
I am already planing on another preamp and the Empirical Lab's Distressor emulation. But being a poor man, I have to save up. But it's totally worth it. And is Actually exciting. (not kidding there).
SO NOW I realise what the fuss is about. I can hardly listen to my other emulation plugins now - they all sound a bit "Cheap" - (which they are in comparison - but I understand why now). My Twin generally runs at about 45% with a series of 4 stereo plugs in - including using the Aux's. That's good going - not bad. Honestly - I would not suggest a SOLO, but if that is all you could afford and you wanted "that sound" - I WOULD recommend it. Just burn the tracks with the plugin - like we used to when it was all made of wood. Talking of which, the X files is on.
UAD Console: Very nice - simple and works nicely with my Cubase 9.5.10 Pro Control Room (cues, Headphone and monitors). I really like the thinking behind it. And not crashes so far.
So There it is. Not interested in the Plugs and expandable satellites and the plugs - RME BBF pro all the way baby.
But when you hear 1 plugin on the box.....well, it will change you world, your working style and maybe your sexual preferences.

a. mokrane

17. Februar 2018

super sons

top des top

B. Higham-Smith

15. Februar 2018

10/10 piece of equipment!

Amazing converter quality. Unison preamps sound incredible. And the drivers and software is as solid as it gets. Very highly recommended!

R. Varvato

15. Februar 2018

How I did before?

Only using an universal audio interface you can realise how good is the build quality, the preamps, the converters, the software... In other words, Amazing!
I'm very satisfied

J. Freeman

12. Februar 2018

Simple, seamless and powerful

Absolute breeze integrating this amazing piece of hardware into my studio and on the road setup - the plugins are amazing and the unison technology is a very nice touch. The console user interface is well laid out and have been using the addition 8 channels via ADAT without an issue. The quad DSP has barely been tickled with some decent plugin use so far. All-round very happy customer

d. la rotta diaz

10. Februar 2018

Sonido y estudio profesional en casa

Calidad, facilidad, versátil, sonido todo el poder de un estudio de grabación, el sistema unison y los plugings son una auténtica pasada.

T. Friesecke

9. Februar 2018

perfect purchase

Everything works like it should. Perfect technology!

D. Wilson

8. Februar 2018

A Great Entry to Professional Sound

I really love the Apollo. I bought it as an audio interface based on it's reputation. I found out it is much more. It hosts UA plugins which are the standard in professional recording, mixing, and producing contemporary music.

J. Jordan

7. Februar 2018

The cherry on top

Love the Apollo Twin on the front end of my setup. With my Apollo 8P, and Apollo Quad, it puts the finishing touch on an already perfect system.

R. Sandoval

5. Februar 2018


It delivers everything that's promise. Great Interface. The only thing that could be a little annoying is that your DAW will upload all of the UAD plugins independent if you have the licences of them.

b. gabrielli

2. Februar 2018

apollo twin au top

une superbe conversion a/n un son magnifique
le seul tout tout petit bémol il n'y a pas la fonction pour choisir ses sorties sur la console il faut passer par la daw mais bon....

p. Wilson

2. Februar 2018

They’re great

K. Parham

1. Februar 2018

100% Awesome

Interface on steroids.
Now that I understand what I have in my possession.
I’m in awe.
Picking up a Apollo 8 Quad ASAP.
This UA Console is insane.
Love it.

J. Hidalgo Viera

31. Januar 2018


I am very Happy with pluggins Universal Audio is really high qualitat sound and very imporatn for have another step and another level ! thnaks team Universal Audio !

J. Hidalgo Viera

31. Januar 2018


I am very Happy with pluggins Universal Audio is really high qualitat sound and very imporatn for have another step and another level ! thnaks team Universal Audio !

J. Hidalgo Viera

31. Januar 2018


I am very Happy with pluggins Universal Audio is really high qualitat sound and very imporatn for have another step and another level ! thnaks team Universal Audio !

J. Hidalgo Viera

31. Januar 2018


I am very Happy with pluggins Universal Audio is really high qualitat sound and very imporatn for have another step and another level ! thnaks team Universal Audio !

881-900 von 1257 Ergebnisse