Avalon VT-737 Tube Channel Strip
Avalon VT-737 Tube Channel Strip
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D. Williams
The sauce you need for your vocals
The Avalon has been the Standard for countless hits the plug in version is like having the rack mount in your Computer
A. Del Busto
Tracking vocals , mixing , getting instruments to pop in the mix , overall just an amazing plugin
M. Brown
Blown away!
I'm extremely pleased with the Avalon
VT-737 Tube Channel Strip. I had no idea that it would shine as well as it does.
Absolutely awesome!
J. Sutter
Very Fine Plug-In .
I love the Sound of the Plug in. It is more clean and clear and more "Modern" than Manley Vox Box (my favorite so far). It a good an useful alternative.
G. Yarber
Avalon comes close
A very nice plug-in!
I have the hardware version so I did a comparison. The biggest difference I noticed was the output from the hardware version had quit a noticeable bit more than the plug-in version. On the plug-in I had the output all the way up with the same settings to get the same levels. They do sound pretty close, but I do like the hardware version a little better. I do love having multiple units when I need more than one so that makes it worth the purchase if you truly love this unit.
J. Zwiebel
Big Difference
I get a much more satisfying sound from the first second of tracking vocals and instruments, thanks to the Unison feature.
J. Norman
Easy and wonderful
Makes it so easy to dial in a wonderful sound. Between this and the Manley VoxBox, I now have two amazing strips.
J. Rubio
Greta valué for The money
First class
G. Pisani
Awesome Emulation!
I already owned a Manley Voxbox emulation, for the genre I work with (Black Music) this is a perfect choice and a more flexible tool for the type of vocals I usually mix. Awesome!
C. Dagostino
Avalon VT-737
I think the Avalon-VT-737 is great even after tracking. I like inserting it in my DAW after the recording process. I like putting it in vocal track and shutting down the EQ stage and adding a Teletronics LA-2A-sounds even better to me. Although the EQ stage is pretty colorful, I think the preamp stands out in this unit by itself.
M. Elliott
Best of the best!
Of all the plugins I've bought from Universal Audio, I have to say that this was the best investment net of maybe the teletronicx compressors. The Avalon VT-737 is the closest thing to "true warm" I found in a plugin at this point.
J. Winfree
Taking Flight on this 737
Always wanted this
k. su
very good
T. Husa
The one
This pre amp sounds amazing!
I have used the original and this one is up there with the hardware
R. Boorn
Would buy again
Great plugin. Use it on my vocal chain but sometimes also in bass guitar!
c. espinoza
Muy similar al original!
C. Aguayo
I’m super impressed. Sounds like the real deal!
J. Casas
El salto definitivo al estándar profesional.
Hola! Tras años dando pequeños pasos para conseguir un estandar de sonido profesional como voice over, este año me hice con una Arrow y con un Neumann Tlm103. Con los preamps que trae incluidos la Arrow , el sonido ya era espectacular , pero cuando probé el Avalon 737, descubrí la increíble dimensión que podía adquirir mi voz. Es realmente mágico y ahora entiendo porque todos los propietarios de Neumann siempre lo recomiendan. Una pieza indispensable para ofrecer el auténtico estandar profesional. Insuperable relación calidad-precio!
R. Whiteman
Instant satisfaction
Love the warmth the Avalon brings to my chain! I have always wanted to own an Avalon after using one a few years back, and I probably will invest in the hardware one day... until then, this is on my chain
s. Ha
Like it. It feels similar to my original hardware.