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Manley Complete Bundle


221-240 von 1752 Ergebnisse

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j. paredes

4. Dezember 2023

Great sound

Great sound

c. rosario

4. Dezember 2023

My permanent Master EQ

The most amazing master EQ I use on my master bus .
simply clean , even the presets are amazing.
Just a small adjustment you could hear the difference.

j. mattila

3. Dezember 2023

Manley VOXBOX Channel strip



30. November 2023


I put this on everything before console emulation channels and things just sound bigger. I render all my midi VSTs to audio before mixing and I replicate the way things were done on the 70s/80s. Everything comes "into" my DAW thru this plugin; as if I was recording it to tape in the day.


25. November 2023

Nce Preamp

Beautiful & warm.


25. November 2023

Nce Preamp

Beautiful & warm.

E. Lopez Cornejo

25. November 2023

Una voz que enriquece

Este preamp realmente competente, enriquece tu voz de una manera acogedora, yo lo uso para narraciones de cursos online donde el sonido es sumamente importante para captar la atención de una manera armoniosa y enriquecedora que mejora no solo la narrativa sino el aprendizaje se entiende mejor, asumible es que este preamp realmente hace su trabajo de manera efectiva! Ampliamente recomendado para todos los que están creando narrativas a través de cursos y seminarios online así i como podcast para cualquier audiencia!
Saludos desde Baja California

J. Davies

24. November 2023

Massive Master

My favorite "go to" mastering eq.

A. Grujic

24. November 2023


Unique sound, easy to use. I am using it on master bus

P. K

23. November 2023

Does it pass the blindfold test against the hardware? Oh yes....

I used to regularly hire the actual hardware Massive Passive to finish my mixes back in early to mid 2000's ..... I know the original unit well. This emulation is ridiculously good and an accurate rendition of the original.... I called the original hardware the "silk machine" . This plug-in allows you to impart the same subtle luxurious definition in the low frequencies without overwhelming the mix, and a trademark gossamer sheen - "air" - around the top end. The "silk" metaphor especially applies to the magic this EQ imparts to vocals. Purchase with high expectations and you wont be disappointed.

N. Martens

22. November 2023

Interesting understanding of customer orientation

UAD waits until you have bought a plugin for full price and sends you exactly one day later a loyality price offer for same plugin. I like their sense of humour :-D

A. Sanchez

22. November 2023

Mix bus and master

Great on mix bus and for mastering

U. Friedrich

22. November 2023

Das rockt, eben Röhre, richtig gut

Super Sound und einfach

T. Fuxa

21. November 2023

Why I waited?

I can not understand, why I waited so long wuth buying this beast. One of the best plugin from UAD

F. Antonio

19. November 2023

Very nice Preamp!

Nice Tube color for busses and some individual channels!

J. Meza

16. November 2023

The best pre

I think it is the best preamp of my arsenal, really love the sound, and I use it for reamp too.

Š. Kominko

15. November 2023


Tak toto som potreboval na svoje vokály. Výborný.

Š. Kominko

15. November 2023


Veľmi pekný.

L. Kagenaar

13. November 2023

Great recording tool

The Manley Vox Box has become one of my main tools for recording, having used the hardware many times in the past, it is a very convenient to be able to get similar results, without having to carry 14.5 LBS to a mobile recording task.

D. Walton

9. November 2023

I throw this on (almost) everything!

In my DAW, for most tracks I put this on. It helps give everything a (subtle) 'lift'. For vox, it's a necessity! Great for your channel strip or just as an enhancer.

221-240 von 1752 Ergebnisse