Manley® Complete Plug‑In Bundle
Manley Complete Bundle
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A. Petrakov
Instant goodness
I never worked with hardware and I don’t know what actually it does aside from compression and deessing, but It gives me good results almost on anything. I love this kind of tools
P. Gomes
Amazing plugin!!!
Respect the other companies but the UAD plugins are different, I'm getting closer to the jobs of the mixer engineers that I follow, I'm selling my beats not because I'm famous but they are recognizing the quality in my tracks!!
B. Szukala
Dieses Plugin ist der Hammer
Haben erst ein paar Testaufnahmen damit gemacht , und müssen sagen, die Ergebnisse ist Klasse. Kaufempfehlung
C. Maldonado
Rich in power
Its just one of does plugins that can make a recording goo to the next level
D. Roch
Belle les voix
Vraiment bien pour les voix, je l’utilse Tout le temps
One word!
S. Kaiser
Expensive but very useful for cutting or boosting frequencies. Easy to handle. One of my favorite plugins.
j. mathew
sounds good , warmth feel
C. Jaramillo
Very musical.
I love it on the 2Bus. I always end up shaping my mixes with touches here and there on some frequencies, being cuts or boosts. This is when I know my mix is sort of ready.
I. Clack
Manley VOXBOX Channel Strip
Superb, Does Just the Job!!
M. Czyz
Great Channel Strip!
It is not surprise to me that Manley Channel Strip processes the sound the way it does! All Manley plugin emulations are amazing! Again, I haven't used the hardware but I use Voxbox in every project, from vocals to variety of instruments! I enjoy using it and I think it sound great!
M. Czyz
Amazing mastering EQ!
I have used hardware few times and I must say I think the plugin emulation is pretty tip top! I like this emulation and I use it on master bus in nearly every arrangement! It uses a lot of dsp and that is the only one downside of this plugin. Great for mixing, amazing for mastering! Love it!
L. Miladinovic
The Manley EQ
I was never able to use Manley hardware so my rating is based purely on utilisation of the plug-in. Since I bought it, it is a constant member of a master chain. Recommending without any hesitatation!
B. Muszkat
Game Changer
absolutely fantastic. its a must for me
J. Calverley
Highly Recommended.
Best EQ I own, but eats up power like a hog. I primarily use this on the master buss.
A. Balen
Clean, yet bold.
This is my new baseline for reductive EQ on vocals
My go-to EQ for all things orchestral.
This EQ has been a game changer for me, the way it works on brass and strings is just amazing i love the way it treats frequencies and colors them, it just cannot be compared to any other EQ i own, i have even started to use it on my mix bus to add air and low-end and i love it. this plugin packs a punch, thanks for this!
L. Sanders
I like working with the Presets helps me to fine some direction.
s. kgr
for anything
It is unexpectedly easy to use, it is a good plugin that can be used for anything. I will use it if you are in trouble. It is not universal, but it is recommended because it is convenient.
B. Kasprzyk
Resource hog. Good, but not exactly what I hoped for.
I can only run 1 or 2 instances, so I render tracks offline, but I consider that an imperfect solution. It's a struggle to get good sound. I can usually get it, but I feel like I only get about 80-85% of what I want. Good for mastering, but certainly not for everything. Overpriced, but if you can get it on sale, it's a decent value. Conditionally recommended.