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Manley Complete Bundle


1701-1720 von 1752 Ergebnisse

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P. Krom

12. März 2013


Fantastic plugin. gives sparkle to everything. good for mastering and mixing!

T. Van

21. Februar 2013


I just bought it!
I compaired to 5/6 other EQ's from UA and Waves.
On vocals! the most delicate!
This EQ make my vocals sound like recorded in a prof. studio, OK I 've got an Neumann U87, and a chandler TG-2, but still I missed the presence and clarity and directness on voices let's say ,like 'from abbey road'..
So thanks for the coupon UA. You took away all doubt.
phil,belgium; Payloa rec.; sun studio,band TOY

J. Ford

19. Februar 2013


I have been using this plugin in both the general EQ and master EQ form since I purchased it in January 2013. This is one powerhouse of an EQ. You can push the levels to 11 and it still sounds realistic. I mostly use it in cut mode as this is where I find it most open sounding. The air you can accomplish in the upper octaves is without parallel in a plugin. Thank you UA.
Joe Ford

M. Mcclain

17. Februar 2013

Stepped up my vocal EQ game

I debated about trying out the demo after I recently purchased a Manley VoxBox (which I think is great). I'm not a mix engineer, so I need quick fix EQ plugs. Coupled with the VoxBox (hardware) and a powerful, clean mic, like a u87, manley reference or an akg c414, and my vocals immediately sat in my mix beautifully. It gives that high end brightness, air & clarity that let's the lead vocal cut through the mix, but not be irritatingly crispy. AGREED that it hogs up the uad dsp card (one stereo instantiation could use almost 20% of the card) but it's well worth it if my lead vocals are sounding tight. Haven't found another plugin that does it quite like this one (and I have at my disposal all Waves plugs, Nectar and others).

C. Lennon

15. Februar 2013

Simply Massive

Here's another plug that did the demo a few years ago and initially didn't get the big deal about it. I purchased an Apollo and had a chance to do another demo. I watched the videos on the UA website and I learned how it was cutting and boosting. Once I learned that I understood why so many people love it.
It is power hungry so I've never used it on any individual instruments. I do use it on the master bus and that's where it really shines. Again, learning how it works is crucial as the presets are fine but don't do it complete justice. Spend about 1 hour learning it and you will never be disappointed.

P. Farnan

11. Februar 2013

Manley - the sensible eq

You can use a Pulteq to add air, body and indescribable body to your sound. You can use any amount of wierd filtering to add interest to your sound But at the end of the day you will need a powerful, sensible eq to tame lumpy bottom end, remove glug in the mids and tame wild idiosyncrasies. That's why I got the Manley and that's what it does. I needed a good sounding EQ tool to sort out my basses and deal with bottoms and low mids. I highly recommend it.

T. Field

29. Januar 2013

Simply Awesome

The Massive Passive is one of my favorite EQ plugins ever. I've used it on just about every single mix since I purchased, and I don't see that habit going away any time soon. So smooth, so's one of the more dsp-hungry plugins, but it's so worth it!

T. Reis

17. Januar 2013

What can I say that hasn't bee said ?

It does what it says on the box, a superlative eq, wish it didn't take up so much dsp (it is the reason I added an octo to my system). Wouldn't be without it. A great reason for buying into UAD plugins.

C. Presnell

17. Januar 2013

Pro sound before you touch a knob!

I can't speak to the accuracy of the plugin to the hardware but this plugin is amazing. It's great on the master bus but I was really amazed when I put it on acoustic guitar, WOW!!! It sounded absolutely pro! Using a preset and then a low-end tweak (cut instead of boost) and I had a sound like "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica (A/B'd very similar). Nice, and it was so easy to configure. I can't wait to try it in other places. It is processor intensive so I'll be printing instrument tracks/busses to a bounce track (since Pro Tools doesn't have a freeze command) but it's worth it. I think I see an Octo (or several) in my future.

I LOVE this plugin! Thanks UA!

AT-4033 (original from around 1990, not reissue) _ UA Solo/610 _ Pro Tools

M. Ciscato

16. Januar 2013


1 word: Buy it.
This plug is incredible!!!
I use it for mix and mastering and the sound of this plug-in is amazing, very musical, smooth and sweet.
Thanks UA.

Industrial Studio

E. Gryder

14. Januar 2013


MMP is the easiest most effective tool I've used. AWESOME job, Universal Audio!

Edd Gryder
Recording EDGe

S. Bisesser

14. Januar 2013

Manley Massive Passive

Soundwise it is great. Works very good for mastering and bus eq. However even though this should run from UAD-2 DSP cards, it still consumes 37-41% of your host CPU? This is a big turn off. That;'s su[[osed to be the reason to step on the UAD2 train, to unload the burden of your host CPU. Biut seems not all plugins are programmed to run 100% from the DSP's. However this may be a bug in the 64 bit version of the UAD software for which UA may release an update.

A. Anyn

14. Januar 2013

Perhaps the most impressive EQ from Universal Audio

I used the Massive Passive on various instruments and got great sounds on drums, bass, guitars, and vocals. On the mix bus, as well as in mastering sessions, it was clear and bright.
The only downside to this plug-in is the massive amount of the UAD-2''s CPU it uses, but it''s worth the strain. The Massive Passive will not replace all of your other more surgical or more colored EQ plug-ins; however, what it does sonically, it does incredibly well. I''ll never do another in-the-box mastering session without it, and it brings me one step closer to wanting to mix exclusively within my DAW.

J. Manes

13. Januar 2013


Go to Sweetning eq, having used the real version of this, I can't say they are exactly the same. But the air this thing gives is extremely similar.

J. Pacheco

13. Januar 2013


How did I live so long with out the Massive Passive???? I'll never know!

Crazy Eq. Really! I don't think you can make anything sound bad with this thing....

Although I'm sure I'll find a way to.....

A Big Cpu Hog... but... A must in any arsenal...

UA does it again!

F. Calle

12. Januar 2013


This EQ it's just amazing, so versatile and powerfull. A little "CPU" heavy but really wonderfull.

D. Barzen

10. Januar 2013

Good job! We compared to hardware version!

We were able to compare, because we own also the hardware version. From our point of view(ear) the UAD Plugin is 85-90% close to the Hardware version. Really good job UAD!
BME Studio Germany - Cologne

S. Hlavsa

9. Januar 2013

Manley Massive Passive

The sound of this plug-in is amazing, very musical, smooth and sweet. It´s one of the best plugins made by UAD.

H. Zwarts

6. Januar 2013

awesome EQ!!!

This EQ sounds amazing. Smooth and warm.
Be aware its a dsp-killer.

M. Scarafoni

4. Januar 2013

Un gran EQ

Un gran Eq. Sutíl y detallado. Es difícil hacer que algo suene mal, aún llevándolo a los extremos. Ideal para buses y Mastering.
La única contra es que consume mucho DSP. Si no tienes varios DSP, puedes usar como alternativa el precision EQ.

1701-1720 von 1752 Ergebnisse