Neve® Summing
Neve Summing
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U. Khan
Fantastic Emulation of Classic Console Summing
This is a truly fantastic summing plugin/extension. Very nice color that can be very clean, or very saturated. The switchable impedance is a much appreciated feature. It's about time that someone emulated the final piece of the signal path on one of the most famous analog consoles ever.
M. Eriksson
Loooooove it!
D. Lopez-Figuereo
Helps me work faster
The Neve extension sounds awesome. The sound I used to get by loading 2 or 3 other saturation plugins I can with just this one.
D. Hall
A really nice extension
I’m really been digging Luna... and instantly fell in love with the sound of the Neve summing extension. I’ve always found that my Apollo system entices me to commit to a tone when I’m recording and the Neve summing extension really helps me quickly dial in bus tones that are punchy and filled with character. I was sold trying the demo — and I encourage everyone to start with the demo. Play with with impedance switch and trim dials across a series of busses and the master buss. The Neve extension gets me to a place that I love more quickly than without and that’s amazing. Can’t wait to see how Luna evolves but I’m really enjoying it.
A. Kurtz
Another great product by UA. I'm continuously impressed.
L. Comesse
Superbe profondeur
je ne regrette pas cet achat, franchement les mixs changes c'est le jour et la nuit.
P. Tacy
First off, Im digging UAD and Luna a lot. Ive been a long time protools user, a recording/mixing hobby-ist for close to 25 years now. My mixing method is based a lot on harmonic distortion and saturation, with less emphasis on eq and compression. “Less is more” is my motto. I really think they got something special here and can definitely replace protools in a short time. One thing that drew me to Luna was the neve summing. They mention the sound city documentary in the description and ever since seeing that doc a few years back I've chased that tone. Claiming this plugin emulates that is a tall order. Now, i know better than to think a plugin will perfectly imitate an 80 series console, but even if its in the ball park, im sold. After messing with this with the demos a few times (thank you UA for resetting the demos after each purchase!), and after actually purchasing it (on sale), I have some thoughts:
First off, this is not a $300 plugin. At all. Yes most UA plugs are baseline $300...but should not be. Im not gonna be one of those people who say “its only for luna so screw this plugin”...but i will totally agree its worth mayyyybe $150. Base price.
Heres a tip: take the neve preamp plugin from UA, put it on the first insert of your master buss. Set it to line or mic, you’re preference (experiment!) and jack the gain up to a click or 2 below distortion at the loudest part of the song, then gain/volume match with the trim knob. A/B that with neve summing and tell me which sounds better. I hate to say it, but I may be going back to the neve preamp method, given this doesn't really add much. Im glad i bought it on sale, cause you have to be nuts to buy any UA plugin at full price, especially this one. Maybe it will grow on me, but for now im giving it a break and chalking it up to a bad purchase on my part. However, thank you UA for all the great products!
D. Marais
Utterly amazing
Once you engage it, there’s no turning back. It just makes the sound so wonderfully dimensional. It’s hard to put into words, but it truly does provide that “record album” sheen on a good mix.
U. Khan
This is what's been missing!
I'm so glad I purchased this at 50% off! I use a Dangerous 2BUS lt analog summing mixer, which is great. This Neve adds what's missing from that box which are beautiful nonlinearities and analog console coloration with EXCELLENT 1272 amps emulation. Thank you UA for providing the access to analog tone!
D. Burkhardt
WOW-A must have
WOW. All these people whining about how this extension is exclusively for LUNA. Print down your mixed STEMS, import them from your DAW into the FREE Luna software and take advantage of this INCREDIBLE extension. It's hard to put into words how amazing this extension is and what it does to your mix. It brings it to life, adds richness and widening, presence, and more. Do yourself a favor and drop the $300 on this extension. It will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make!
J. Poole
Only for LUNA...
UAD could have easily made this a plug in that works with other DAWs. I own almost every UAD plug in there is and they all work with any DAW...I will say this, I use the Neve MBP hardware for 2 Buss summing most often but prefer the Brainworks Masterdeck at times...
M. Bennett
Exclusive to Luna!
Great! £299 for a plugin that can't be used elsewhere. It's not really a selling point. The price is a joke considering it's coding, and the fact I spent hundreds on UAD's Neve plugins already. They'll be more to follow so UAD can cash in further. I like the summing and Luna but don't get the price tag. I paid so much for the hardware (Apollo X8) and plugins
M. Bennett
Great, but overpriced
Firstly, £299 is a joke. I already brought Neve plugins, so why can't these transfer to Luna. Seems like a new marketing plan to stings customers. £299 and it's only exclusive to Luna; sorry, no!
That said, I really like Luna, mainly because there's no noticeable latency. The integration is amazing. The simplicity is intuitive - I learned it in about ten minutes. I think I will track in Luna from now on, and mix in Logic. Good work guys!
s. Pfeiffer
Takes everything out of the box and welds it to your forehead
The depth and girth Neve summing are what I expected; the width and depth were an added bonus. Worth it's weight in Platinum...
k. andrews
well worth it
mixing through the neve summing is a real treat. helps fit in all your bits.
Neve Summing
My demo just expired 2 days ago. Just bought it today tho. I had to buy it, it sounds amazing. If this was a plug-in and not extension, y’all could charge more. Just Canceled my protools subscription as well. Mixing a whole Album on Luna...
S. Shaw
Simply amazing
Trying out the demo now. I definitely feel the same as what Ben and Vance chatted on LUNA office hour, that it sounds huge and subtle at the same time, and you can't really specify what it's exactly doing. Very grateful that UA brought another gem to ITB mixing.
R. Capra
This is absolutely priceless!
J. Delgado
Excellent !!!
C. Shipley
Recording for 25 years
So, as some users have said, "we decided to try out luna." Im one of them.
Then we decided all to try the Neve Summing, cause why not....... RIGHT?
Then something terrible happened to me, and I'm sure all of you as well........
I came back to my mix from yesterday, and my ears literarily said WTF bro.
Then after farting around I realized my trial was over.
Now I have to spend my trump bucks on a AMAZING UA product.
You poisoned my ears with sonic magical-ness.
Thank you