
Sonnox® Oxford Inflator


441-452 von 452 Ergebnisse

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J. Hudak

10. Juni 2013

really best of all Loudness enhancers

Thank you UAD for making sonnox plugins available for us who trust uad platform...
This Inflator plugin really shines when i need to port my sounds into iOS platform !
They sound much apparent, louder, brighter, on iPhone/iPad/ and other small speaker devices. Hope rest of the sonnox plugs will come soon.

R. Romagna

9. Juni 2013

Great and easy to handle plugin

My swiss-knife of choice to make sounds/instuments louder and punchier. Even great to put the Inflator in the masteringchain before the limiter to punch the hell out of the songs!

T. Correia

7. Juni 2013


Just amazing... i've heard about the inflattor a long time ago, but i just got it from UAD platform because it's the BEST, and obviously it's outstanding! it's amazing! one of my best picks ever...

E. Negussie

5. Juni 2013

Awesome plugin

To be able to just dial in better sound with just one fader is incredible.
I love this plugin!!!

S. Renius

1. Juni 2013

STephan Renius


the Inflator is a very cool tool for my summing mixes. It is a little bit more than subtil.
I've waited a long time ;-).
it takes more than the original from Sonnox.
Please more Sonnox Plugs for UAD !

The best

G. Piazza

29. Mai 2013

Good alternative to Precision Maximizer

The Sonnox Inflator is another way to make mixes louder without squashing them.
It doesn't work on everything; if a mix already has a lot of saturation and harmonic enhancement, the Inflator can make these elements harsh and unpleasant, but when a relatively clean mix needs that extra upfront sound (in your face), the Inflator makes a nice alternative to the P. Max.
Try both; invariably one works better for a given mix. It is not always clear which one and sometimes neither is appropriate.
Make no mistake, the Inflator has a different sound than the Maximizer - less 'tubey' and more surgical and aggressive (at higher curve settings). A good tool for mastering engineers.

U. Borjesson

24. Mai 2013

Just a bit better

In all my masterings where I need life in a lifeless track and the Pultec-Pro is not enough, the Inflator is just what to put in there a few % and the track is back in life:-)


M. Arnold

22. Mai 2013


I already used the "original" Sonnox PlugIn and loved it for the vocal group or for mastering. Easy to handle and great sounding - and finally for UAD2 :-) Thanks, UA!

T. Crystal

17. Mai 2013

Inflator hits a home run

The UA Sonnox Oxford Inflator is proving to be such a great tool for us. Great sounding loudness with no compromises. It's like HGH for your mixes. We're using it a lot!
Ken Jordan
The Crystal Method

A. Starostin

15. Mai 2013

I'm surprised.

No sense in this plugin.
He is not bad and not good - it is useless for the UAD platform.

H. Makela

9. Mai 2013

Easiest purchase decision!

I activated the demo if this plugin soon after it was released and tried on lot of different materials I had edited/mastered before. I pretty much decided to get it right after testing it on two of my songs - its pretty amazing how this little thing works.
Further tried it on some of my acoustic guitar tracks and that alone would have justified getting this plugin! Really nice results. Sounds are maximised while not crushed and in individual tracks it does wonders on bringing selected tracks live.
I own pretty much every plugin from UA but purchase decision had never been easier than for this one.

N. Hansen

8. Mai 2013

Sonnox sound with the UAD

Awesome plugin, for those who don't know it, its kind of like the Maximizer but more surgical. Very useful to get some impact and loudness for tracks and whole mixes.

I hope the rest of the Sonnox plugins make it to the UAD as well. They are still the benchmark for digital audio or in fact audio in general. There wasn't much that came after the Sony Oxford apart from very accurate emulations of earlier analog devices ;)

441-452 von 452 Ergebnisse