Softube® Amp Room Bundle
Softube® Amp Room Bundle
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T. Christensen
I love this plugin. Great sound and the variety I need for the many styles of music I record.
D. Flett
They’ve done it again!
I delayed getting this plugin because I already have several amp plugins so I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of different sounds this bundle provided. There is something for all tastes. Excellent!
B. Sullivan
Another UAD plugin for my guitar playing friends!
Any collaboration between UAD and Softube is a winner in my book! I wanted to stack up this month on guitar/bass plugins for my friends who play those instruments, and I know they are going to enjoy this plugin! Most of the reviews have been very positive, so I just decided to go ahead and purchase this one.
m. hardy
Just like the real thing...
P. Bilak
P. Bilak
l. wilson
Awesome Awesome Awesome
m. stallings
Well....in an effort to simplify handling bass, I dusted this off and gave it a try. I own the Ampeg SVT and B-15, and while these are legionary and awesome, I was fiddling with them a bit too much. Ive been working with recording bass through my Century channel strip, then blending the amps in. with this plug in I can dial in a great sound very quickly.
What concerns me is that its very old, ( like me)? But I guess if it sounds good, it is good.
Bottom line....I can dial in a great sound very quickly without having to create a second track. The Hiwatt amp is a cool idea also. Selfishly, Id like to see this updated, but they might over complicate it. As a hobby guy, I have to limit my choices
J. Bell
Internal monologue:
me: Hi, I'd like my bass to sound like its going through an amp.
also me: Sure try this.
- Loads Plugin -
me: This sounds like ass!
- Continues tweaking -
me: it doesn't matter where i set any controls, it just sounds bad!?
also me: yeah - I agree; nothing sounds better than this... Like , literally nothing..
End scene.
So Realistic and warm
It is like you pull your instrument into the old hardware gear - nice and warm!!!
L. Brown
h. mayanja
This is the benchmark for amp emulation?
I this bundle on sends for group colouring
S. Muscio
If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It
I've loved these amps for years. Lots of flexibility and they sound great.
R. Hortensius
Amp Room sounds great !
The key to getting a great sound from the Amp Room Bundle is to be easy on the input as I noticed some negative reviews, I am really happy with this bundle and use it often for keeper tracks, also fantastic for bass !
c. henry
Softube® Amp Room Bundle
Indeed and outstandingly uaudio as dun it again and keep doing great things, well I have previously bought softube bass amp. Works perfectly, with the ability to adjust the mic to any position is great. To find the same abilities with the gtr amp is very comforting, I have had my eyes on this good amp for a while, I have used logic gtr amps just to get a good verb mix and a light amp feel, but putting the soft tube at the end is extremely powerful, I needed some thing that could give me the final and real feel of an solid amp, it's indeed the final word I always want in my mixed. That uad rich amp final sound and the end of my gtr mix. Is indeed the final word in my mix, as always that's my anolog rich sound I need, putting uad plug ins, soft tub bass amp or gtr amp to be the final word in my. Mix is a perfect touchdown. Well dun uad for making my mixes shine like a ⭐️ star!
Simple et naturelle
Les graphismes sont un peu ancien mais le son est là. Il ne paraît pas très impressionnant au départ mais il est surtout immédiatement exploitable dans un mix.
Pour l'instant c'est le seul plugin que j'ai testé qui permet d'avoir instantanément un son naturelle et exploitable dans le mix avec en plus des réglage simple.
Les autres plugin doivent être combiné avec des simulateurs de baffle d'un autre plugin celui là est autonome.
L'idéal serait que softube sorte d'autre plugin de la série amproom pour varié un peu plus les plaisirs.
Un must
D. Hughes
Solid Tone
Great way to get the tone you need for your guitar tracks. I find that the ability to adjust the mic gives a bit more control over the shape of the sound. It’s nice to have a few amp variations to choose from when you want to A/B. The sims have a “real” tone and have been getting a good response from clients. It’s nice to have these in the toolbox and be able to put them to use when I need to use the DI track in the mix.
J. Jordanov
Great plugin!
A great addition to my UA arsenal of plugins! I am a guitar player myself and love the guitar plugins UA offers! Will be back for more!
J. Mojica
Cálidos en su sonido
No podemos comparar a un amplificador a bulbos con estas emulaciones pero si en tu estudio te llegan con puro transistor, aqui tu solución
M. Ziach
A avoir absolument dans son arsenal !!!!!
Très bon set, il maque juste sur le Metal Amp Room la possibilité de gérer le gain de sortie.
P. Batenev
In a word; so-so...
A complete disappointment tried the demo version of almost all guitar amplifiers overloaded and for solo guitars did not achieve a good and real sound: (without adding third-party plug-ins!why pay big money only for zero delay ?you need to modify the plug-ins or revise the price policy at least.so-so