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Teletronix® LA-2A Leveler Collection


661-680 von 1308 Ergebnisse

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m. shim

24. November 2016

Compressor really good utilization.

It is a compressor that hangs unconditionally on a vocal chain.
It's best.


22. November 2016


It does something special to vocals the moment you plug into it. Its so simple and easy to find the sweet spot. I highly recommend it!

O. Ramirez

18. November 2016


I have used the LA2a hardware my entire career (21 years). Every studio I have been to has one and I always make sure to try it out on something. I have always love the LA2a on vocals, bass, acoustic/ electric guitar, I have even used it for brass and string instruments with great results. When I tried the plugin I was thrilled with the sound. Plus when you purchase the collection you get the 3 different versions of the hardware, each giving its own unique character and sound. I have been using the plugin for a few months now and I'm still impressed at how authentic they sound. Thank you to the great minds at UA for completely changing the game of "in the box mixing", what a great time to be alive!

p. prodaniuk

17. November 2016

Nice variety, smoother sound.

Very great update. Although honestly I use the original a lot still because of low CPU hit. It already was so good. But this is definitely an essential addition to your UAD library.

C. Holford

16. November 2016

The word you're looking for is ... CHARACTER!

The difference that sets this LA-2A collection apart from the legacy model, and also models from other companies, is the very distinct voice of each compressor in the collection. the effect of the compression seems as light-handed as you would want it to be on the LA-2As, but even turning it on imparts a sonic effect on whatever track you choose - each has its own chunk and presence. And the LA-2 is simply a beast! I'm already seeing an effect on my mixes as I replace other LA-2A models with instances from this collection. WOW!

B. Schimmel

4. November 2016

The go-to units for vocals...

LA-2 is always in my recording chain. I also use LA-2A on guitars and bass a lot.

W. Murray

14. Oktober 2016

Beast Mode

What is there to say, really? I love the whole collection but I use the LA-2A "gray" the most. It adds its characteristic "warmness" to pretty much everything it touches, especially vocals, and it can brign a bland mix back to life and give it a nice lil' punch. The Legacy version is decent but this collection is next level sh*t.

A. David

14. Oktober 2016

A wondrous density

Indeed, this one satisfies a tone that I have been searching for for sometime now. More than simply compress, it imparts a density and tone that works wonders on vocals and bass. Thank you UA!

S. Gibbons

13. Oktober 2016


UAD nailed the tones of this compressor. We have one at the studio I work out of and the A/B comparison is outstanding. Love the warmness they add.

A. Lee

13. Oktober 2016

Undoubted classic

I don't know how close this is to the hardware, but probably it doesn't matter to me as they sound superb

P. Melichar

13. Oktober 2016

Amazing !

Absolutely blows my mind how good these LA-2A units sound. Been using them on a couple of dance/electronica tracks for vocals for a client. Very easy to set up and behave like the 'real thing' as near as I can tell - have been making music for over 30 years, never owned but have used the original gear many many moons ago.
At GBP 115 for all three 'versions' it's a total no-brainer - grab this bargain now !!

P. Wallette

12. Oktober 2016

Is getting better and better

Wow! Many years ago I had the first generation UAD PCi Card using the Legacy version of LA-2A. I used it on almost every possible track. Now, with my new Apollo Twin USB, I thought I will give the new collection a try so I bought it right away. Yes, I know it costs a lot, but what a difference!!! Really love the Grey one, wich brings my voice to a new level. The combination of Unison 610 mic pre and LA-2A gets me the feeling of singing in a $10 million studio.

R. Cambrin

8. Oktober 2016

Simple to use and I dig!!!

I bought this set of plugins after trying it on the kik and Snare channels.
It solved the problem of getting the click of the Kik not to seem seperate from the Boof and I had been endlessly tweaking the channel previously to its purchase trying to get rid of that problem. The Snare had way more body and the snap was easily softened by it.
Like the 1176 collection has a different place to use it.
I used the prehistoric LA 2A on the Kik and a different one on the Vocals and likewise the snare.
I would say i am not a tweakhead but that would be a lie when in comes to the overall mix.
I don't want to get bogged down in endless tweaking of compressors, pedals or plugins. There's enough to do.
I dig It!!!

T. Hirano

1. Oktober 2016



A. Nadaf

19. September 2016

Love the character/Color

This is obviously very versatile. Like the way i can push things hard or just soft. But i just love the character/color the LA-2A silver offers.
Thanks to UA for this amazing emulation.

D. Spooner

18. September 2016


Never used a real hardware version, and had only previous experience with the legacy (which was still nice), and the Waves one.... But now I'm just even more confused what separates them and makes them all different.. they are nice though.

C. Stylianides

17. September 2016

So far so good

I like Gray a lot, for tracking and for keeping things warm. Also it's really smooth. Silver is a bit more drastic and gives that natural brightness but I feel it takes away lows even if you apply 0 gain reduction, this can be beneficial for some instruments. I used it on the mix bus along with a Maxxbass and it worked just fine. Didn't really use the LA-2A(3rd one) a lot yet, so I can't say much for that one.
I bought this bundle because I wanted to upgrade my LA-2A classic and it feels I took the right choice, much fuller and characteristic sounds so far.

j. el mutante

16. September 2016

Although you may not believe.

Amazingly, Teletronix LA, has left me surprised at the quality, power, clarity, warmth and many others that if I mention this because not end my review, I did not know that a plugin could be as accurate compared to a real piece, imagine all the big bucks you can save with these emulators.

   It is clear that only plug-ins Universal Audio admit they are the best and Realistic, have over 20 years experience in the industry as a producer and I have dealt with almost all plugins from different companies that may exist, and only Universal Audio me has given the results with ease, speed and great analog sound all go looking today to combat the digital herror.

Š. Kominko

13. September 2016

It sounds great

It sound great ,very very great plugin.

Š. Kominko

13. September 2016

It sounds great

It sound great ,very very great plugin.

661-680 von 1308 Ergebnisse