
UAD Mix Edition


3601-3620 von 10440 Ergebnisse

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R. Schwilden

20. Februar 2021

Amazing with my bass

This channel Strip is easy, straight & forward, not a lot of buttons and provide amazing controlled sound on a bass track.
Preamp (smooth crank) , EQ and great compressor. It provides you wonderful feeling when you play recording your stem.
10/10 and ready for the mix.
Used in Unison enabled on a Apollo Solo.
Great high experience.
Big Up !
Ps: It impressed my sound engineer
#easytouse #justplaymusic #bassist

R. Pressman

19. Februar 2021

handy little tool

good recreation of the original. great to have in the toolkit.

R. Pressman

19. Februar 2021

handy little tool

good recreation of the original. great to have in the toolkit.

R. Nicoli

18. Februar 2021


It is an essential plugin for my guitar. I try it also on the voice and I can say that it is wonderful

D. Dembek

18. Februar 2021

Desert-island EQ

If I was to choose THE ONE EQ - this would be it. It is perfectly balanced and rounded. Simple yet powerful. Corrects the tracks and brings it to life.

D. Dembek

18. Februar 2021

Best soft-knee comp ever!

LA-2A is the father of the soft-knee compression and this is its best digital reproduction. If you work with the low tempo content or need a smooth sustain - that's the ONE!

D. Dembek

18. Februar 2021

Best soft-knee comp ever!

LA-2A is the father of the soft-knee compression and this is its best digital reproduction. If you work with the low tempo content or need a smooth sustain - that's the ONE!

R. Erickson

16. Februar 2021

Great re-creation!

I'm old enough to have had and used one of the originals in the '70s - how else could you cover the Police catalog in those days? Just got the UAD Brigade Chorus pedal recently and I find it to be 99% true to the original hardware and certainly the best software version I have been able to try out. The only (extremely minor!!!) difference is there is the tiniest bit of "grit" missing, for lack of a better word. When coupled up with the EP-34 software, it's a 100% there- a little more chewy/thick. You need to have this if these are the tones you are missing/looking for. Sounds fabulous with software synths, too.

R. Martin

14. Februar 2021

My Go To

Love this channel strip! I use it for vocals, guitar, and drums. It has everything to craft and polish my sound all in one plug in. I also think the auto make-up gain on the API is a winner!

M. Freise

14. Februar 2021

Excellent glueing tool

provides nice harmonics and it sounds real❗️
usually i am using the Whitestone p331 for the purpose…
but on the road or in the box this plugin is great

J. Hofer

12. Februar 2021

Warmth and presence.

This collection of plugins adds a beautiful warmth and forward presence to whatever you put it in. Highly recommend.


12. Februar 2021

Warms up Everything!

I love it, it was recommended by two other studio owners. I've only used it a couple of times, couldn't be happier!



12. Februar 2021

The best chorus

After a few minutes using this chorus, it was already my favourite.

. Adams

12. Februar 2021

It's magic.

Just turning it on adds instant depth. Put it on your drum bus and it feels like you're in the room. I've got it on my 2 mix and it just makes everything fuller and more natural sounding. Be warned though, once it has been heard it cannot be unheard.....

I. Jang

12. Februar 2021

You Want a old shcool? Want the Original?

This is Perfact Choice!

T. Lanese

11. Februar 2021

Great sounding plugin

A very effective plugin, in which you can find the true vibe of the API circuits! Top reference for guitars and drums.

E. Azari

11. Februar 2021

IM liking it so far ;)

Got that legacy+ bundle

A. Krasniqi

11. Februar 2021



N. Rowland

10. Februar 2021

One stop strip

This plugin is pretty much everything you need. I use this on absolutely everything that I track. I’ve always been a bit uneasy about recording through with equalization or dynamics processing, but this changed that. Can be very transparent or slammed/crushed. Try it, get it.

A. Ashkenazi

10. Februar 2021

Great on anything but...

Pretty awesome but barely discernible from the Pultec Pro-Legacy.

3601-3620 von 10440 Ergebnisse