UAD Mix Edition
UAD Mix Edition
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A. Ogarev
Century Tube Channel Strip
R. Porrello
If you record Acoustic Guitar then...
...you will want this in your arsenal, specially I love the unison feature with the apollo interfaces
R. Porrello
Don't leave this one out of your locker
There just isn't another like this out there. The sound, the controls, the design. You will want to have this one handy.
P. Kalous
all ok but only Galaxy Tape Echo and The Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor didn't appear in my ProTools 11.
Lexicon 224, and others, yes.
f. de paula
Awesome punch
Take your drums to another level with this beauty ! Awesome sound !
P. Beullens
Simple operation like the original, and great sound. Easy to audition on tracks. Adds a third dimension to sound and works great on (backing) vocals and possibly guitars and synths too. On bass synths can give a great foundation without getting in the way. I use it a lot. I don't place it on all tracks, just on one or two per song.
D. Acevedo
Sabor a Cinta
Realmente no hay que hacer mucho. solo colocarlo y sentir como suaviza las transientes. Uno de mis favoritos.
L. Brown
A+ As usual
A+ As usual
J. Jegu
Waterfall Rotary Speaker
Nice effect !
m. herrington
fantastic channel strip!
Gives color and character to whatever you slap it on to. Lately I've been using it on my drum bus and on guitars. faithful emulation of that API sound. Stop overthinking it and just get it! :)
d. drula
beat maker et mix
je l utilise sur les bus pour un effet glue , les réglages sont simple ,faut juste faire un choix et il
fait le taf a merveille
d. drula
beat maker et mix
je l utilise sur les instruments pour leur donner une place coloré dans mes mix.aussi sur les voix et le bus drum .ca fonctionne vraiment bien
H. Bouetard
Good Lord!
I'm a big fan of the Motown's productions but this plugin is much more than
piece of nostalgia, it's a fantastic flexible reverb with a huge personality.
Love it!
O. Sytnik
My new go-to channel strip.
Thanks to its flexibility, low CPU hit and, of course, sound quality, this plugin became my go-to. My hand just reaches towards it.
J. Maycraft
I would love to... But it doesn't work...
I have paid and downloaded The Lexicon Software. It worked for a day... then ceased to work... I contacted UA support, who basically said it was a problem with ILok. My understanding is that it needs to be licensed and UA don't seem that willing to do so... Very sad... I will update this review if things change.... But for now... That's where i am... I will get a refund from the credit card peole if i can...
n. else
Hitsville Reverb Chambers
Excellent Reverb. I have yet to use this properly as I bought it along with Sound City and Capital. Another excellent UAD product
S. Beatz
Good, Need a fix
Love this so much, sounds great but the UA connect always needs me to be online for it to stay working. Annoying I would say.
B. Young
Powerful tone shaping
Gives great tone shaping and lift to your mixes. MS function on the mix bus sounds amazing. Added the perfect snap to my snare. It’s basically going on all my mixes from here on out!
L. Aguilar
Great Compressor
I always use this compressor for all of my projects. It gives a very distinct tone compared to other compressors. It is always in my stereo bus template. I mainly use it for my drum buss.
g. le bescond
top !
very musical : shines on tracks, shines on busses.