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UAD Mix Edition


8401-8420 von 10440 Ergebnisse

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M. Andrews

17. August 2015

First Channel Strip, and it's AWESOME!

I've never had a dedicated channel strip before... hardware or software. I have to say, though, this one makes me realize why I should have invested in one a long time ago. Being able to give all my recorded tracks from disparate sources a similar sound really makes the mix more cohesive. This one is so straight-forward and easy-to-use. And it really has the ability to make my outboard gear actually sound better at record time. I'm not one to "print" changes while recording, but it's really hard to make something sound bad going through this channel strip. I do not regret this purchase AT ALL!

M. Peevers

15. August 2015


Got loads of high end reverb plugins but has fast become my favourite.
Great sound. Easily manipulated.

N. Franks

13. August 2015

Great Tape even if you have ALOT of others!

I have probably most if not all other tapes by other makers and of all of them Slate's is the better fit for the tape sound to my ears. I didn't really care for it across all the tracks though. That is where the Studer has really shined. The controls are great! Most people already on UAD already know such things but if you're skipping this one due to having other tapes? Try it!

R. Graterol

13. August 2015

Warm! Warm! Warm!

This makes any source sounds thick, with attitude, punch and BALLS!. Usable under a lot of circumstances. Another great plugin emulation.

R. Graterol

13. August 2015

Warm! Warm! Warm!

This makes any source sounds thick, with attitude, punch and BALLS!. Usable under a lot of circumstances. Another great plugin emulation.


12. August 2015

That magic...

Love the grey La2a on vocals...tracking with the UA Neve 1073 into the UA1176 rev E into the UA Teletronix La2a grey.

That combination is nothing short of amazing. 5 stars, guys.

B. Smith

12. August 2015


I have been using just the LA-2A legacy for the past 5-6 years,. it has always been a "go to" for smooth, warm and full comp/limiting and without eating up too much DSP,.(i have only used a hardware LA-2A twice before). I just purchased the LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection,.which at first i was hesitant as i felt the differences/advantages would be minimal. Wrong. The subtleties obtainable and also the dramatic difference under certain circumstances broaden the palette immensely.
The response and frequency transients are distinct to each model and accordingly suitable for whatever source you are dealing with.
Inspiring and comforting to have so much quality gear on hand, and for such a small investment. Make your day BUY IT !

P. Nielsen

9. August 2015

Something is missing.

Its too clean in a way.

The noise from the real hardware is very important to make it sound like an LA2A

I dont think this is very close to the real deal.

Generally i will find that your plugins needs more grit and dirtyness.

P. Helsdon

8. August 2015


Since this is 'Magneto Month' I thought I'd share my pathetic review. I started recording as a teen 30 years ago with tape and always hated it, because of the darn hiss / high end trade off with Dolby B or dbx that constantly pi$$ed me off. I welcomed the digital age and could not understand why UA would emulate antiquated technology to this extent. I demoed the A800 and believed it was just another EQ plugin with some hiss EFX for fun. But once I bought it and learned the manual inside-out and began to learn its history and what exactly I was tweaking I fell in love. OMG. I cherish 70s and Alan Parsons and boy does this bring me back to where subtle distortion and pleasant overtones shape music that is so pleasing to ears. Mm..mm .mm.mm Mm

s. chakraborty

8. August 2015


These plugins are very real & true.i am very much impressed & happy.. specially Rev A. I mostly use this plugin in vocal , guitar,flute,etc.Please do make some more plugins like this.Thank you

S. Dayan

6. August 2015

absolutely amazing

absolutely amazing replicas of the original c strip my new mixing tool.

M. DiSanto

6. August 2015

Best single purchase so far

I've got a modest but respectable collection of UAD plugins at this point. For some reason I had been avoiding getting the 1176 upgrades despite hearing how good they are. I've used real 1176's and never really "got it". Finally I demo'd these plugins specifically with the goal to try to understand why the 1176 is supposed to be so good. Turns out I just wasn't pushing them nearly hard enough and looking at the meters too much. I can't say if these plugins sound as good as the real thing but I know that when I heard these clamping down on bass or drums or vocals I recognized the sound of records I love instantly. These plugins have changed the way I mix; I find myself using less EQ and getting better results. These are a must-have.

L. Seiders

4. August 2015

Love the richness!

I loved the legacy Pultec Pro plug, and this ups the mojo. It's killing it on my drum busses.

U. Kim

4. August 2015

5ive Stars!!!

Teletronix Leveler Collection - close analog of outboard!!!
Someone says - try before u buy..............@#% that......just BUY!
Vocals (Rap, Rock, Female r'n'b - anyway), Drums and Gtrz sounds Great!!! LA2A is colorised my production.
The most Amazing plugin from Universal Audio!!!
Thank You UA Team!!!
p.s. Now Ladys loves me MORE than Before:)

a. srabstein

3. August 2015


yes, as I said... beautiful!

永. 直樹

31. Juli 2015

Perfect Reverb

This is a very great reverb what I had used ever !

永. 直樹

31. Juli 2015

Perfect Reverb

This is a very great reverb what I had used ever !

A. Lee

29. Juli 2015

The Best Pultec Emulation you can buy.

I've used several Pultec plugins from different brands and UA is the BEST out of all.
It's based on my personal preference and UA version had most Punchy low end.
For the price, it is definitely one of the must have plugins.

S. Peschl

29. Juli 2015

OMG! It's DAWsome

I will never ever have the money, to buy a REAL one, and so i don't know, if it sounds REAL...

But how cares about that. The Pultec Plugins are Great! And that's the only thing that matters for me!
I use it on every guitar, bass, and sometimes on vocals and busses and it works just so fine!

It sounds GREAT and REAL!

G. Hadfield

29. Juli 2015

Best tape plugin for multitrack by far

This is the best tape plugin for multitrack colour and feeling and "warmth" without exception.

It comes into its own when working across many tracks and using the gang capability.

I tend to use other plugins for tape effects and saturation on single tracks but this is my go-to for multitrack colour and feeling, bar none.

8401-8420 von 10440 Ergebnisse