UAD Mix Edition
UAD Mix Edition
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E. Carlsson
Amazing width and depth
T. Godoy
the best
This is the best channel strip plugin I've ever used, i love UAD
s. ayton
Nice vibe
Great historical piece and insight into the foundation of verb. Easy to do this with many other plugs but such a nice thing to use. Really like this but has very limited use personally cos I’m not often asked to get a Motown sound but will use it for music education.
s. ayton
Really worthwhile
Not required of you have an outboard Lexicon of any standing, just use an insert and introduce your old effects unit into your workflow. Even an old LXP1 or Alex had this vibe. Gets the PCM70
Vibe though which is a lovely flavor.
I preferred it to the 480L when you want to really hear the reverb but the 480L lets you create incredibly long sound design type tails. You don’t need this though if you use Convology XT (free) or any other IR reverb so it’s really for those who always wanted a 480L which I am one too. I do really like the interface with the faders right there, you can’t get around the research that was done into the original user interface but falls short in that midi control should be implemented clearly so you can assign controls to emulate this workflow. Bigtime missed opportunity here but that’s the problem with the plugin world. Not enough synergy between the tactile and mouse worlds. Anyway, it’s the UAD reverb plugin to get for the old school studio reverb unit vibe.
M. Le Borgne
Efficacité et musicalité
Une tranche de console très efficace et facile à exploiter.
M. Le Borgne
Efficacité et musicalité
Une tranche de console très efficace et facile à exploiter.
E. Esper
API 2500 Bus Compressor
I Love this Compressor gives everything punch and kick I Keep it on my 2 Bus
l. bubba
Great Plugin
When cranking the gain the sound remains nice and open a lot more than any other brand of plugins.
N. White
Great effect!
I love this plugin it adds great texture on any instrument!
J. Brzeziński
Very close to original
In my work I sometimes use urei 1176, and I would like to say that the software is very close to the original.
G. Costa
Old Style!
Once you've understood it, it's very useful.
O. Morris
Galaxy Sound
Great Sounding Plugin
E. Guimarães
best channel strip
E. Guimarães
very good
very good
E. Guimarães
very good
V. Tretiakov
Super mix ready sounding plugin!
It's great sounding channel strip and very easy for tracking vocals, acoustic guitar and for post mixing. I often use this plugin if I not have much time for work but I need a great result.
D. Flowers
I’ve used an actual Leslie for my guitar for years. These days I don’t have the strength to haul it around anymore. Now I have a plugin that does a good job for my recording… really happy.
D. Vera
Studer A800
Exelente, very good
T. Zick
Punch and Warmth
Easy to use controls, lots of headroom and exactly the tone I was looking for. I need more DSP because I'm going to want to put this on everything.
B. Yong
Sensational and sublime!
I love Capitol chambers and this is another exceptional release. There is just something special using these which isnt surprising given what they are modelled on plus the native version is so useful when I am not plugged in to my X6. Top work UAD