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UAD Producer Edition


1241-1260 von 7314 Ergebnisse

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L. Sun

22. Juni 2023


The sound is not very good. And UA's no refund policy makes customers very unhappy.

L. Sun

22. Juni 2023


The sound is not very good. And UA's no refund policy makes customers very unhappy.

P. Alain

22. Juni 2023

Assez incroyable

J'avais la version legacy pourquoi je n'ai pas pris le temps avant d'écouter ces versions.
Plus de précision plus de chaleur les 3 versions sont bien spécifiques et dès que tu charges un plug tu sens la qualité de la modélisation

D. Hogan

21. Juni 2023

This is cool

This is cool

D. Hogan

21. Juni 2023

not the usual

not the usual, i have several 'plates' but this one has a real sound to it.

M. Oehmke

21. Juni 2023


A must in the AUX chain !!!

H. Fivelsdal

21. Juni 2023

The Real Deal

This is the best-sounding electric piano virtual instrument I have used. It is also versatile and customizable. Thanks, UA.

V. German

21. Juni 2023

Authentic sound!

Very cool organ, no soapy sound like the competition!

L. Queiroz Alves

21. Juni 2023

Lucas Fernando Produtor

Ótimo, maravilhoso plugin.

R. Fiuza

21. Juni 2023


I got this plug-in mainly for widening the sound of a poly classic synth that has only mono out and I’m amazed how fat and clear it sounds, it is as good as hardware.


20. Juni 2023

Magic Stuff

Your passion for every little detail is ridiculous.
You nailed down the whole collection


20. Juni 2023

First among equals!

Surely the market has some really good and faithful recreations of both LA 2A and 1176 but somehow you walked that extra mile!
Well done once more!

V. Anselmo

20. Juni 2023

Awesome Channel Strip !

Super easy to get a great sound

T. Ferreira

19. Juni 2023


Easy to use and sounds great. Using it a lot.

G. Rice

19. Juni 2023


I didn't research the product. My fast laptop doesn't have USB-C.

J. Mills

18. Juni 2023



W. Prosser

17. Juni 2023

Very Good B3

This plugin really makes the grade, wonderful audio - you would have a hard time telling the real B3 from the Waterfall I think. Cheers!

D. Groulx

17. Juni 2023

Easy as 1-2-3

great sound within seconds.

D. Hogan

17. Juni 2023

Not too bad at all.

A worthwhile purchase.

P. McWalter

17. Juni 2023

Excellent piece of kit!

It does everything so nicely! Not too much, nothing ugly, just a beautiful set of options that work on so many instruments and samples. A must for all studios.

1241-1260 von 7314 Ergebnisse