UAD Studio Edition
UAD Studio Edition
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L. Walker
So, Dave, you're saying this is better than your own Arouser v2?
I doubt they differ by much, if at all. But having a distressor plugin available for tracking still makes this compelling, and the reason why I purchased it. I'll do a comparison of all the distressor plugins from UAD, Empirical Labs, Slate, Sknote, but who really cares which one sounds closest to the hardware? How does the plugin sound and is it useful? Again, having one for tracking gives the UAD version another BIG use.
Il est enfin arrivé
je suis impressionné par le caractère de ce compresseur légendaire. Son cousin Fatso jr/sr complètera à merveille ce trio de choc.
Je le recommande vivement.
K. Matzanke
A Classic
A must have in every mixing battery
K. Matzanke
One of the Best
Nothing more to say
K. Matzanke
Warm and Analog
Really good!
E. Pensa
Great for drums!
The pre sets for this plugin are excellent ! The time it takes me to record drums is now cut in half, if not more, thanks to UAD and plugins like this!!!
V. van Tiel
This one is massive! It sounds amazing. And I love the GUI. It's really easy to dial in the right settings. Love it!
s. tajima
This was beyond my imagination(>ω<)/
s. tajima
Love it(>ω<)/
E. Wohl
I've wanted this plugin for such a long time, it's such a great emulation, amazing on vocals!!
J. Moreland
As good as it gets
This is really the first compressor emulation UA makes who’s sound I’m intimately familiar with - and I must say, you kids friggin’ nailed it. Oh God, this thing sounds beautiful. So, the good news - I’m buying this thing - like, right now. The bad news - well, this is likely the last compressor I’ll buy from UA (or anywhere else), as I’m unlikely to find a better sounding, more flexible comp. And the wet/dry mix feature… well, I’m getting a little misty eyed just thinking about it. Thank you so very much.
d. bennett
Plate Reverb
Purchased the Plate reverb and I love it. I have several others and this is the best. I use it for vocals and guitar and it just smooths the sound.
R. Ben Shmuel
great! but...
the sound and resolution is great but there is still something a bit plastic in the motion of the LFO in my opinion
I use it a lot as an AUX for widening and deepening certain elements and less as an effect
great product
f. rotthier
instant great sound on kick & snare
just tried it really quickly on kick and snare and it sounded great! I think I made the right decision not buying the Arouser or Slate FG-Stress. Hope this one goes on sale on Black friday next week!
d. bennett
Plate Reverb
Love this Reverb. Best one I’ve found.
S. Noti
Smooth, warm and has a wet knob. What else can you ask for!
R. Howard
It's the best Distressor emulation on the market sounds like the hardware.. Thanks UA you the best lol , yall got me spending to much money lol
Distressor has finally arrived, and it's awesome!
D. Pierce
Strider A800 on everything!
Try it, try it, try it!!!!!
D. Pierce
The ultimate leveler
Very nice sounding collection. I love the LA-2A!