UAD Studio Edition
UAD Studio Edition
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V. Azevedo
Fast and precise
It seems to be a military airplane control surface. But not.
Pultec is a vintage Eq to use on almost everything, from the Drums to the Vocals.
Really easy to use, Pultec is a good choice to equilibrate the sound guitar walls, increase the brightness of acoustics and brass.
Fast and precise.
K. Miller
Great plugin - pissed I bought it before the sale
As everyone said great sound emulation works on just about everything .
Bought it on5/20 and used a 100.00 coupon from my Apollo 8 purchase .
Got the email about the half year sale and it feels like a slap on the cheek.
Oh well -
V. Azevedo
A Classic Plug & Play
It's just a classic.
It's a slow and tube compressor, fits very well on Vocals specially, but with Bass and Guitars also sounds very good.
UA's LA-2A is a device wich is very easy to use and achieve good results. Others emulations of LA-2A are just a JOKE, very hard to reach a musical result.
Don't waste your time. UA LA-2A is simply Plug and Play to Mix!
H. Anh Minh
Lex224 best reverb emulator
Better than altiverb.
I used it in every time
D. Hatadi
The Original
Okay, maybe not the very first reverb but certainly one of the classics that people always return to when they want that sound. Universal Audio has created an extremely special emulation with sensible customizations that help sounds sit perfectly within the reverb and within the mix. It's really surprising (although perhaps it shouldn't be!) how much a small amount of this can help a mix turn into a record.
M. Ballenger
Oldie but a goodie
The DBX160 may be one of the older offerings by UAD, but it holds up still. I own the Waves and Softube/NI versions as well, but the UAD wins most of the time. I use this most frequently for parallel kick/snare compression and the UAD version's superiority shows in the low end. The others give a decent smack, but the low end seems less smeared and my kick sits much better in the mix with the UAD DBX160. The others are good models, but I'm sticking with this one when it counts.
J. Irish
Better than all the rest
So excited to get this after using the demo. A/B'ed it with other versions. So clear. Just made the vocals "Fit". No so excited to see it drop from $149 to $99 an hour after I bought it. Who do I call about that?
C. Allrich
Yep, Worth The Upgrade
While it's on sale, I couldn't think of a better reason to finally upgrade my old legacy Pultec. Wasn't expected to be floored by the difference, but was pleasantly surprised! If UAD has sent you a coupon, and you haven't upgraded yet, just do it! Your mixes will thank you for it.
s. hosszu
Worth it all day long
This reverb plugin is ridiculous! Tails like no other very accurate to original unit without the maintaining costs inherited with it! Give me more coupons to spend my money. Uad stands for ultimate audio dealer haha
S. Simmons
The 1176 Classic Limiter Plug-in Collection is a like having the best wrench & screw driver set for your tool box. Are there others out there? Sure; but as far as quality, color, tone and sound no other software limiters come close. I was so impressed with the Legacy Versions of these that actually came with my UAD-1 & UAD-2 devices I had to go ahead & get them all. I haves uses for them on EVERYTHING! Listen to a vocal, snare, kick, bass, overhead, or guitar track with one of these units & you will literally hear the whole track come alive in ways you can't imagine! Universal Audio does it again, Thanks!
A. Marlowe
My New Go-to EQ
The Pultec EQ plug-in collection has become my go-to EQ for many uses, love how musical it is, and how easy it is to dial in the right tones on a lot of different sources. Nice work again UAD!
M. Ries
Instant goodness
I've demoed all the UAD tape sins, and while the Ampex and Studer are awesome and very tweakable (and over twice the price), Oxide holds it own and makes up for it's lack of options with near instant great tone. You really can do quite a bit with just the input and output alone. Using this a lot on drum busses and acoustic guitars, but it works on just about anything. Highly recommended.
J. Cohn
Fast attack and Release Personality
When you're looking for a quick grab and quick fix compressor this one has a largely aggressive personality and can punch. Not suitable for all material but anything that needs fast release and presence will benefit from this powerful character comp. Does a fantastic job and definitely a coloured choice compressor, I really feel happy with my sound when I use it for what it does, you can hear its clean 'grit' too. A pleasure to have in one's arsenal!
U. Schwab
Pultec passive is massive!
Certainly a huge step forward from the Pultec Legacy Collection! I used to put the Pultec Pro Legacy on the drum channel in every track, now I exchanged it for the new Pultec Passive EQ Plug-Ins and you can really hear the difference! Simply put: It sounds more professional! Even if you leave it in neutral position it adds something to your sound! (just be careful to adjust the output-gain accordingly as the EQP-1A adds approx. 1db of gain to your signal!)
A. Booty
1176 is why I am still here!
I own the real UA 1176 & Urei 1178 hardware & its never fail to give that great feeling every time. And as long as I can remember, since the 1st time I was introduced to UAD1 back in the days, 1176 is the go-to compressor for me & its sounded almost perfect like the hardware. But then came the new 1176 upgrade & once again Uad blew my roof away! The blue version really glue my vocal tracks. Thanks Uad team!
J. Lozano Junior
Amazing tape recorrer plugin
Very, very, very cool. Two words: buy now!
J. Örs
This is awesome. Same as the original.
M. Molina
Best LA2A plug in on the market
I have had every LA2A plug in under the sun and by far the UAD LA2A collection is the best. It's the only LA2A plug in that gives me the feeling of hardware. While I have yet to really find an appropriate source for the LA2 or silver, the grey is my absolute favorite on vocals, providing great control while still allowing enough transients to come through to keep my vocals detail intact. The analog warmth really comes alive in this plug. Not to mention the Interface of this plug is just fantastic! Best 50 dollars I ever spent!
B. Knight
Thank you UAD, for amazing service and amazing software!!!
Amazing software....Sound has transformed my music...give me that PRO sound!!!
G. Toman
The best (plug-in) reverb
The best (plug-in) reverb I have ever used. Amazing.