Ampex® ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder
Es ist kein Album, solange es nicht auf einer Ampex-Bandmaschine gemastert wurde.
Das Ampex ATR-102 UAD Plug-in und die LUNA Extension liefern den endgültigen "Analog Klebstoff" für Deine Musik und machen Deine Aufnahmen zu Alben.
Das Ampex ATR-102 ist die einzige Emulation, die von der Ampex Corporation authentifiziert wurde und der Produzenten und Toningenieure auf der ganzen Welt vertrauen. Es stellt die farbenfrohe Sättigung, die Wärme und die Obertöne dieser Industriestandard-Bandmaschine zur Verfügung.Enthaltene Versionen
UAD Nativ
Läuft auf Deinem Mac oder PC ohne UA-Hardware.Apollo Realtime & UAD-2
Läuft beschleunigt auf Apollo Interfaces und UAD-2-Hardware.System-Anforderungen: UAD Native Plug-ins laufen sowohl auf macOS 10.15 Catalina oder neuer als auch auf Windows 10 und 11. Schau auf unsere UA-Support-Seite für Systemanforderungen.
- New! Mit der Auto-Gain Funktion lassen sich die Repro/Record-Pegel anpassen, während die perfekte Gain-Staffelung erhalten bleibt
- New! Genieße das verbesserte Retina-GUI mit interaktiven Bandspulen und originalgetreuen Bedienelementen
- Mixe und mastere Deine Musik mit der beliebtesten professionellen 2-Spur-Bandmaschine, die je gebaut wurde
- Erhalte die klassische Ampex-Bandsättigung, wählbare Bandtypen und Farben, um Deinem Mix "Zusammenhalt" zu verleihen
- Nutze die gesamte ATR-102 Schaltung, einschließlich der Transformatoren, Verstärker, Repro-, Sync- und Eingangswege
- Nutze die ATR-102 LUNA Extension, um mit einem satten, Analog-Bandsound direkt im LUNA Mixer zu produzieren
Möchtest Du es ausprobieren?
Nutze dieses Plug - in 14 Tage lang kostenlos und finde heraus, ob es das Richtige für Dich ist.
Try it freeNeue Funktionen für moderne Workflows
Das perfekte Gain-Staging des Ampex ATR-102 erfordert eine sorgfältige Kalibrierung der Wiedergabe- und Aufnahmepegel — eine hohe Kunst, die Präzision erfordert. Mit Auto-Gain lassen sich sowohl die Wiedergabe- als auch die Aufnahmepegel unter Beibehaltung eines perfekten Gain Stagings anpassen. Und mit seiner retina-optimierten Benutzeroberfläche ist der ATR-102 ein wunderschönes Plug-in, das man am liebsten die ganze Zeit eingeschaltet lassen möchte.
Verwandle Deine Aufnahmen in Alben
Das Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder Plug-in und die LUNA Extension liefern den endgültigen "Analog-Klebstoff" für Deine Musik. Vollständig von der Ampex Corporation authentifiziert, kannst Du jetzt die gleiche einzigartige Dynamik, den Frequenzgang und die Sättigungseigenschaften der originalen Mastering-Hardware erhalten, die praktisch nicht von ihrem analogen Vorgänger zu unterscheiden ist.
Tauche tief ein in Tonband-Sound
Entdecke riesige Reel-to-Reel Texturen mit drei klassischen Bandköpfen (¼", ½" und 1"), Bandgeschwindigkeiten und Emphasis-EQs, bekannten Bandformeln (GP9, 456, 900, 250), und mehr. Du kannst sogar die Kalibrierung der Maschine feineinstellen, um mehr Headroom zu schaffen oder eine stärkere Bandkompression und Sättigung zu erreichen.
Finde Deinen Sound schnell
Entfache Deine Inspiration mit Presets von langjährigen ATR102 Usern Chuck Ainlay (Chris Botti, Mark Knopfler) Richard Dodd (Wilco, Robert Plant), Buddy Miller (Martina McBride, Emmylou Harris), Mike Poole (Keith Urban, Dolly Parton) und weiteren. Verwende diese Presets einfach als Ausgangspunkt und würze Deine Mixe nach Lust und Laune — Du wirst verzaubert sein von dem zusammenhängenden, satten Sound, der nur von einer Ampex-Bandmaschine kommen kann.
Bearbeite Deine Mixe in LUNA
Mit der Ampex ATR102 LUNA Extension verwandelst Du den LUNA Mixer in ein analoges Tape-Wunderland. Ohne separate Plug-in-Fenster verwalten zu müssen, bekommst Du damit reichhaltige, albumtaugliche Ampex-Bandtexturen mit all der authentischen Dynamik, dem Frequenzgang und der Sättigung der Originalmaschine.
“I set the UAD ATR-102 exactly the way my old Ampex machine is set up, dialed in the gains, switched back and forth… and the sound is nearly identical.”
– Jacquire King (Kings of Leon, Norah Jones, Cold War Kids)“The UAD Ampex ATR-102 is my new secret weapon in my master buss chain, giving me the secret ingredient for that extra touch of flavor.”
– Ivan Barias (Musiq Soulchild, Jill Scott, Estelle)“The Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder and Studer® A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder emulations give a nice edge to bass tracks.”
– Armin Van Buuren“The UAD Ampex ATR-102 tape emulation really captures the hardware’s punchy saturation and chunky warmth.”
– Mike Poole (Robert Plant, Martina McBride, Buddy Miller)“I've always used limiters and compressors on the mix bus to ‘glue’ the sound together, but I've never been able to achieve the kind of musical cohesiveness like I can with the UAD ATR-102.”
– Ryan West (Eminem, Kid Cudi, Jay-Z)“All of the songs on the Garbage record, Not Your Kind of People were mixed with the Studer A800 plug‑in on all the drum channels. We also used the Ampex ATR-102 plug-in on the final mix.”
– Billy Bush (Garbage, Dolly Parton, Paul McCartney)“The UAD ATR‑102 brings mixes to life with a 3D sound that no other plug-in has ever been able to achieve.”
– Adam Hawkins (Twenty One Pilots, Switchfoot, Keith Urban)*Enhanced Retina graphics available for Mac only.User-Rezensionen
D. Fernandes
6. Dezember 2024
A must on my mix bus
This plugin is great! It adds that final 5% that my mixes needs to take it to the next level Highly recommended
WeiterM. Kulev
5. Dezember 2024
Ampex ATR-102
The best Ampex ATR-102 emulation to give the ultimate analog "glue" that will turn your work to perfection.
WeiterS. Cohen
5. Dezember 2024
Vintage sound
Still learning how to use this device... looking for a way to bring out a bit of saturtion without changing the character of the kick and low end... the potential is there, need to keep...
Weitere. tanaka
26. November 2024
The magic touch for the master bus!
The best tool on the master, simply the best tape emulation to give the final touch.
WeiterL. Predator
20. November 2024
Ampex ATR-102
Não fico mais sem o Ampex ATR-102 no master! É otimo para as tracks individuais também! Parabéns UAD!
WeiterR. Anza
14. November 2024
Excelent Piece of gear
I've been using it for a while and I can say that this is like magic. Everything sounds X3 better than before.
Weiter -
Ampex® ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder
D. Fernandes
A must on my mix bus
This plugin is great! It adds that final 5% that my mixes needs to take it to the next level
Highly recommendedM. Kulev
Ampex ATR-102
The best Ampex ATR-102 emulation to give the ultimate analog "glue" that will turn your work to perfection.
S. Cohen
Vintage sound
Still learning how to use this device... looking for a way to bring out a bit of saturtion without changing the character of the kick and low end... the potential is there, need to keep exploring.
e. tanaka
The magic touch for the master bus!
The best tool on the master, simply the best tape emulation to give the final touch.
L. Predator
Ampex ATR-102
Não fico mais sem o Ampex ATR-102 no master! É otimo para as tracks individuais também! Parabéns UAD!
R. Anza
Excelent Piece of gear
I've been using it for a while and I can say that this is like magic. Everything sounds X3 better than before.
D. Roberts
Ampex tape machine
I've got a few tape emulations this one adds the magic I like , I'm not a pro audio engineer but this seems to add the weight and depth that people rave about,makes my mixes sound better which is good enough for me.
O. Okoke
Best Tape Emulation in the Market
Best Tape Emulation in the Market, Great on the Master Buss
s. ayton
ok as
nice as an EQ/Compressor effect but wouldn't pay more than a few dollars for it. It can mess up your dynamics and nice clean recording which is good or bad depending on how old you are haha. I'm personally so glad to not have to suffer tape machines anymore these days having been recording since the 70's and owned and repaired a dozen machines from 1/8", 1/4", 1/2", 1". 2" as engineer and service tech so know them inside out literally. I use this for it's texture. I just wish the interface was clean with faders instead of graphics. I'm trying to make things sound good and could not give a toss what the plugin looks like. I need minimum fuss and memory/DSP usage.
A. Navarro
Tape por defecto en MIX BUS
desde que la compré ha sido por defecto mi tape en la ultima cadena de mezcla y master . Magnífica
S. Hopkins
Amoex Atr 102
Great but of kit added to my master chain, just what I was looking for.
G. Freimanis
You ask, I answer
Another color that was not in my plugin forest before.
D. Pintaldi
Strategic Weapon
As I used a real one in 80s , I love the sound of tapes and all their nuances .
This plugin , very close to original one is helpful to change the nuance, harmonics, dynamics and EQs of the programs or instruments in very special way. Be careful ! !t’s addictive ;).M. Maynard
How Is That Even Possible?
The first words I spoke when I tried this plugin in my mastering chain was, "How is that even possible?" I've never purchased any UAD plugins until now, and the Ampex emulation was my first. The presets are pretty much all you need, just find the preset that suits the song and mastering needs best, and you're all set. It's as simple or complicated as you want it to be, and it sounds amazing. This one plugin will most likely replace 2-3 plugins in my chain, and that's something I've never encountered in my last decade of producing music. Now that this plugin is native, and for the price it's currently at, this is one of the very few plugins I've begged all my producer friends to get. If I ever need new plugins, I think I'll be checking UAD first. Do yourself the favor and grab this.
D. George
I am old enough to have used actual reel-to-reel tape in recordings and I can assure you that this plugin comes very close to emulating the real thing. It's all about the warmth; the sound. Great job on this one.
S. Downie
Get this great TAPE emulator !
The Ampex ATR-102 is a fantastic all rounder TAPE emulator for your DAW and tracks and tunes. It's amazingly warm and great for saturation. It has a nice wobbly vibe to it that makes sound stand out, well to my ears anyway. Get it today and add it to your plugin chain.
L. Carlos
Waiting for the true version
This plugin is lacking in sound and features. It is not the native version, it is another simpler version. Still waiting for the true version, but native.
c. tak
Incredibly Good
Sometimes I think to myself, wait a minute, I now have enough plugins to get by with them and I have to put in the time to get to know them well. But now I'm amazed again and how does UA manage to make something like this, so incredibly good.
J. Potter
Go for it..
I had the oxide 1st. I like this on the master bus and the oxide for most tracks.
This thing has all the options and sounds great so far. I'm done after this last plugin... lolw. ec
Ampex® ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder
De las mejores herramientas para master, le agrega mucho color y una agradable saturación, lo recomiendo